Alternative currencies

for sustainability

From the Grenoble living area to the slum of Nairobi, alternative currency systems have proven to be part of the answer to address contextual challenges. Whether you want to support the local economy and short circuits, or you aim for financial inclusion and economic resiliency, we have developed a deep understanding of models and mechanisms to make a difference between the success and the failure of alternative currency projects. More than symbol, with the alternative currencies people re-learn the meaning of wealth and the value of a sustainable economy.

Circular economy

and upcycling

Rare resources, negative externalities of mass production, and alarming environmental pollution are indicators for the emergence of new models and mindset. Plastic bottles, construction work materials, industrial leftover, food waste, the need for a circular economy and upcycling innovation processes is global and must engage all sectors. We provide with workshop to project, imagine and design circular solutions and upcycling options for your products and services. With a mix of facilitators and inspiring profiles, our team is your partner to reduce impact and get more sustainable value from your core business.

Intrapreneurship and

open innovation ecosystems

Through collective intelligence protocols and open innovation strategies, we bring your workforce energies and ideas for a sustainable future together with existing and new business partners in your ecosystem. We help you design and implement projects at the crossroad of your values and context to innovate for challenges that matters. From workforce engagement, relevant issues mapping, creative workshops facilitation and collaborative project management assistance, our services allow organizations to open new opportunities for the future.


impact platforms 

The evolution of public involvement into several dimension of the economy has been fuelled by the development of the Internet and social networks, creating the opportunity for leading organization to engage communities into creation, decision and execution of projects. With our technical and sectorial partners, we design workshops and source inspiring experts to help with the development of crowd-based solutions to enhance collaboration and capacity to deliver positive impacts in your environment.