Prospective operating system

To conjugate both performance and resilience, organization can’t rely on a single operating system. To complete the Performing Operating System that secure quality and efficiency of operations, decision makers must create a space for a second Prospective Operating System. This alternative organization breaks business lines frontiers, bringing together benevolent profiles from management, operation and support to propose a wider strategic vision. We facilitate the set-up of such organization with collective intelligence protocols, digital tools for collaboration, start-up’s methods and out of the box ideas to create and run teams that will work together on strategic risk and opportunity mapping and in-house intrapreneurship to feed decision makers and board of directors with relevant prospective options and scenarios.

Sustainable Development Goals

With the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development during United Nations Sustainable Development Summit on 25 September 2015, and the constituent urge for engagement and actions to support them, public and private leaders must have a clear understanding of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Integrating the mechanisms behind them in strategic thinking, board of directors and decision makers can align both development and corporate responsibility principles in order to create new sources of value for the organization. We provide our clients with training and empowerment on the SDGs, and design workshops to develop innovative strategies for sustainable development.

Stakeholders onboarding

“Alone we go faster, together we go further”. This is not just a bird story but a reality behind modern leadership. Building on international standards such as ISO 26 000, we map flows and interactions with all stakeholders, questioning diversity of expectations, and building low intensity signals detection for risk management. With new models for collaboration, organization can explore new opportunities and align visions toward a social and environmental accountability. We advise to multiply strength and energies instead of opposing them to bring on board all relevant stakeholders.

Information system agility

With digital transformation come great opportunities, and even greater risks. Working with your IT department and business lines ambassadors, we run diagnostic on both technical and social dimension of your information system. With relevant experts working aside your team, we help you to define a roadmap to align digital and organizational ambitions. We enforce agile methods supported by top project management standards to implement evolutive solutions, with proper change management and capacity building. We see information system as a transversal catalyst for collaboration, collective intelligence and global performance.